Revista CD Expert 8
Revista CD Expert nº 08 CD1.iso
MS-DOS Interrupt List
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389 lines
;Text for INT2GUID conversion program, topic 7.
;INT2GUID converts INTERRUP.LST files to input for GUIDE.
;This file includes 7 extra topics. Reserve additionally 5 topics, or a
;total of 12.
;Topic headings are included in the GUIDE main index unless the configuration
;file specifies mask 0x8000.
;The file has conditions for optimizing the output to GUIDE (mask 2) or
;POPHELP (mask 4), or a universal mode with less optimized output acceptable
;by both (mask 1). One and only one of these masks should be used, and it
;can be ORed with 0x8000 to exclude the topics from the index.
;The difference between the three models is, that model 1 cannot display
;character 6, as it is used as a normal character in GUIDE and as a control
;character in POPHELP. Model 4 can display characters 10 and 26, the other
;models can not.
Characters, Colors, Scan Codes, and Pin Assignments.
This screen gives access to:
8characters as displayed in the currently active code page
9acronyms for ASCII control codes
10colors on EGA/VGA display
11scan codes (keyboard)
12serial port pin assignments
13printer port pin assignments
14game port pin assignments
The screens are designed for 18 lines screen height.
!! 0
!TOPIC 8 Character Map
!! 0x8000
!! 0
The following pages show the characters in the currently active code page.
!! 1 ;universal (accepted by both GUIDE and POPHELP)
; ^F (6) is a normal character in GUIDE and a control character in POPHELP
Because the characters with ASCII values 0-6, 10, 12, 13, and 26 are used as
!! 2 ;GUIDE
Because the characters with ASCII values 0-5, 10, 12, 13, and 26 are used as
; (^F,6) is used to insert code for itself, for LF (10), and for SUB (26)
Because the characters with ASCII values 0-5, 12, and 13, are used as
!! 0
control characters in this help system, they cannot be displayed. The IBM
symbols for these characters are:
;*** The backspace character, and ^S, can give difficulties in editors.
!! 1 ;universal
0 Space 6 Spade
!! 2 ;GUIDE
0 Space 5 Club
!! 3 ;universal + GUIDE
1 Open face 10 Block with circle
2 Filled face 12 Female symbol
3 Heart 13 Single note
4 Diamond 26 Right arrow
!! 1 ;universal
5 Club
0 Space 4 Diamond
1 Open face 5 Club
2 Filled face 12 Female symbol
3 Heart 13 Single note
;POPHELP: fill to 18 lines.
!! 3 ;universal + GUIDE
!! 1 ;universal
Characters 0 - 127 (0-6, 10, 12, 13, 26: see previous page).
!! 2 ;GUIDE
Characters 0 - 127 (0-5, 10, 12, 13, 26: see previous page).
Characters 0 - 127 (0-5, 12, 13: see table above).
!! 0
;*** The BS character (8) can give difficulties in editors, the TAB
;*** character (9) can misallign the line.
0 00 16 10 32 20 48 30 0 64 40 @ 80 50 P 96 60 ` 112 70 p
1 01 17 11 33 21 ! 49 31 1 65 41 A 81 51 Q 97 61 a 113 71 q
2 02 18 12 34 22 " 50 32 2 66 42 B 82 52 R 98 62 b 114 72 r
3 03 19 13 35 23 # 51 33 3 67 43 C 83 53 S 99 63 c 115 73 s
4 04 20 14 36 24 $ 52 34 4 68 44 D 84 54 T 100 64 d 116 74 t
5 05 21 15 37 25 % 53 35 5 69 45 E 85 55 U 101 65 e 117 75 u
!! 1 ;universal
6 06 22 16 38 26 & 54 36 6 70 46 F 86 56 V 102 66 f 118 76 v
!! 2 ;GUIDE
6 06 22 16 38 26 & 54 36 6 70 46 F 86 56 V 102 66 f 118 76 v
6 06 6 22 16 38 26 & 54 36 6 70 46 F 86 56 V 102 66 f 118 76 v
!! 0
7 07 23 17 39 27 ' 55 37 7 71 47 G 87 57 W 103 67 g 119 77 w
8 08 24 18 40 28 ( 56 38 8 72 48 H 88 58 X 104 68 h 120 78 x
9 09 25 19 41 29 ) 57 39 9 73 49 I 89 59 Y 105 69 i 121 79 y
!! 3 ;universal + GUIDE
10 0A 26 1A 42 2A * 58 3A : 74 4A J 90 5A Z 106 6A j 122 7A z
10 0A 10 26 1A 26 42 2A * 58 3A : 74 4A J 90 5A Z 106 6A j 122 7A z
!! 0
11 0B 27 1B 43 2B + 59 3B ; 75 4B K 91 5B [ 107 6B k 123 7B {
12 0C 28 1C 44 2C , 60 3C < 76 4C L 92 5C \ 108 6C l 124 7C |
13 0D 29 1D 45 2D - 61 3D = 77 4D M 93 5D ] 109 6D m 125 7D }
14 0E 30 1E 46 2E . 62 3E > 78 4E N 94 5E ^ 110 6E n 126 7E ~
15 0F 31 1F 47 2F / 63 3F ? 79 4F O 95 5F _ 111 6F o 127 7F
!! 3 ;universal + GUIDE (POPHELP: avoid new line - use 18 lines for paging)
!! 0
Characters 128 - 255.
128 80 Ç 144 90 É 160 A0 á 176 B0 ░ 192 C0 └ 208 D0 ╨ 224 E0 α 240 F0 ≡
129 81 ü 145 91 æ 161 A1 í 177 B1 ▒ 193 C1 ┴ 209 D1 ╤ 225 E1 ß 241 F1 ±
130 82 é 146 92 Æ 162 A2 ó 178 B2 ▓ 194 C2 ┬ 210 D2 ╥ 226 E2 Γ 242 F2 ≥
131 83 â 147 93 ô 163 A3 ú 179 B3 │ 195 C3 ├ 211 D3 ╙ 227 E3 π 243 F3 ≤
132 84 ä 148 94 ö 164 A4 ñ 180 B4 ┤ 196 C4 ─ 212 D4 ╘ 228 E4 Σ 244 F4 ⌠
133 85 à 149 95 ò 165 A5 Ñ 181 B5 ╡ 197 C5 ┼ 213 D5 ╒ 229 E5 σ 245 F5 ⌡
134 86 å 150 96 û 166 A6 ª 182 B6 ╢ 198 C6 ╞ 214 D6 ╓ 230 E6 µ 246 F6 ÷
135 87 ç 151 97 ù 167 A7 º 183 B7 ╖ 199 C7 ╟ 215 D7 ╫ 231 E7 τ 247 F7 ≈
136 88 ê 152 98 ÿ 168 A8 ¿ 184 B8 ╕ 200 C8 ╚ 216 D8 ╪ 232 E8 Φ 248 F8 °
137 89 ë 153 99 Ö 169 A9 ⌐ 185 B9 ╣ 201 C9 ╔ 217 D9 ┘ 233 E9 Θ 249 F9 ∙
138 8A è 154 9A Ü 170 AA ¬ 186 BA ║ 202 CA ╩ 218 DA ┌ 234 EA Ω 250 FA ·
139 8B ï 155 9B ¢ 171 AB ½ 187 BB ╗ 203 CB ╦ 219 DB █ 235 EB δ 251 FB √
140 8C î 156 9C £ 172 AC ¼ 188 BC ╝ 204 CC ╠ 220 DC ▄ 236 EC ∞ 252 FC ⁿ
141 8D ì 157 9D ¥ 173 AD ¡ 189 BD ╜ 205 CD ═ 221 DD ▌ 237 ED φ 253 FD ²
142 8E Ä 158 9E ₧ 174 AE « 190 BE ╛ 206 CE ╬ 222 DE ▐ 238 EE ε 254 FE ■
143 8F Å 159 9F ƒ 175 AF » 191 BF ┐ 207 CF ╧ 223 DF ▀ 239 EF ∩ 255 FF
!TOPIC 9 Control Codes
!! 0x8000
!! 0
Alphabetic list of control codes (C0) and extended control codes (C1).
ACK= 6 DEL=127 FE3= 11 IS4= 28 PU2=146 STX= 2 US = 31
APC=159 DLE= 16 FE4= 12 LF = 10 RI =141 SUB= 26 VT = 11
BEL= 7 EM = 25 FE5= 13 LS0= 15 RS = 30 SYN= 22 VTS=138
BS = 8 ENQ= 5 FF = 12 LS1= 14 SI = 15 TC1= 1
CAN= 24 EOT= 4 FS = 28 MW =149 SO = 14 TC2= 2
CCH=148 EPA=151 GS = 29 NAK= 21 SOH= 1 TC3= 3
CR = 13 ESA=135 HT = 9 NEL=133 SP = 32 TC4= 4
CSI=155 ESC= 27 HTJ=137 NUL= 0 SPA=150 TC5= 5
DC1= 17 ETB= 23 HTS=136 OSC=157 SS2=142 TC6= 6
DC2= 18 ETX= 3 IND=132 PLD=139 SS3=143 TC7= 16
DC3= 19 FE0= 8 IS1= 31 PLU=140 SSA=134 TC8= 21
DC4= 20 FE1= 9 IS2= 30 PM =158 ST =156 TC9= 22
DCS=144 FE2= 10 IS3= 29 PU1=145 STS=147 TCx= 23
This list includes the G0 codes:
32 20 SP Space 127 7F DEL Delete
!! 3 ;universal + GUIDE
!! 0
Control codes ASCII 0 - 31 (C0). Often symbolized by ^ + char. @ - _, ^M=CR.
0 00 @ NUL Null 16 10 P DLE (TC7) Data Link Escape
1 01 A SOH (TC1) Start Of Heading 17 11 Q DC1 Device Control 1, Xon
2 02 B STX (TC2) Start of Text 18 12 R DC2 Device Control 2
3 03 C ETX (TC3) End of Text 19 13 S DC3 Device Control 3, Xoff
4 04 D EOT (TC4) End Of Transmission 20 14 T DC4 Device Control 4
5 05 E ENQ (TC5) Enquiry 21 15 U NAK (TC8) Not Acknowledge
6 06 F ACK (TC6) Acknowledge 22 16 V SYN (TC9) Synchronous idle
7 07 G BEL Bell 23 17 W ETB (TC10) End Transm. Block
8 08 H BS (FE0) Back Space 24 18 X CAN Cancel
9 09 I HT (FE1) Horizontal Tabulat. 25 19 Y EM End of Medium
10 0A J LF (FE2) Line Feed 26 1A Z SUB Substitute character
11 0B K VT (FE3) Vertical Tabulation 27 1B [ ESC Escape seq. introd.
12 0C L FF (FE4) Form Feed 28 1C \ FS (IS4) File Separator
13 0D M CR (FE5) Carriage Return 29 1D ] GS (IS3) Group Separator
14 0E N SO (LS1) Shift Out 30 1E ^ RS (IS2) Record Separator
15 0F O SI (LS0) Shift In 31 1F _ US (IS1) Unit Separator
TC=Transm. Ctrl.; FE=Format Effector; LS=Locking Shift; IS=Information Sep.
!! 3 ;universal + GUIDE
!! 0
Extended control codes 128 - 159 (C1).
Sometimes emulated by ESC + char. @ - _, e.g. Ansi code "ESC[" = "CSI"
128 80 @ (unassigned) 144 90 P DCS Device Control String
129 81 A (unassigned) 145 91 Q PU1 Private Use 1
130 82 B (unassigned) 146 92 R PU2 Private Use 2
131 83 C (unassigned) 147 93 S STS Set Transmit State
132 84 D IND Index 148 94 T CCH Cancel Character
133 85 E NEL Next Line 149 95 U MW Message Waiting
134 86 F SSA Start Selected Area 150 96 V SPA Start Protected Area
135 87 G ESA End Selected Area 151 97 W EPA End Protected Area
136 88 H HTS Horizontal Tab. Set 152 98 X (unassigned)
137 89 I HTJ Horiz. Tab. w. Justif. 153 99 Y (unassigned)
138 8A J VTS Vertical Tab. Set 154 9A Z (unassigned)
139 8B K PLD Partial Line Down 155 9B [ CSI Control Seq. Introd.
140 8C L PLU Partial Line Up 156 9C \ ST String Terminator
141 8D M RI Reverse Index 157 9D ] OSC Operating System Command
142 8E N SS2 Single Shift G2 158 9E ^ PM Privacy Message
143 8F O SS3 Single Shift G3 159 9F _ APC Application Program Cmd.
!TOPIC 10 Screen Colors
!! 0x8000
!! 0
Screen colors.
Normal colors Bright colors Attribute bits
0 00 Black 8 08 Dark grey 7 normal Foreground blink
1 01 Blue 9 09 Light blue 7 alternate Background bright
2 02 Green 10 0A Light green 6-4 Background color
3 03 Cyan 11 0B Light cyan 3 normal Foreground bright
4 04 Red 12 0C Light red 3 alternate Alternate char. set
5 05 Magenta 13 0D Light magenta 2-0 Foreground color
6 06 Brown 14 0E Yellow
7 07 White (grey) 15 0F Bright (white)
Normal/alternate function: Set Read
Attribute bit 7: INT 10 AX=1003 INT 10 AH=1B offs. 2D bit 5
Attribute bit 3: INT 10 AX=1103* INT 10 AH=1B offs. 2B<>offs. 2C
* BL bits 0,1,4<>bits 2,3,5. The bright attribute is still active, it can be
disabled/enabled by INT 10 AX=1000 BX=0712/0F12.
!TOPIC 11 Scan Codes
!! 0x8000
!! 0
Scan codes: special keys. Num Lock off (on: swap Plain/Shift col. Up - Del).
*: Not INT 16 AH = 00. See also next page.
Plain Shift Ctrl Alt Plain Shift Ctrl Alt
Up 4800 4838 -- -- F1 3B00 5400 5E00 6800
Down 5000 5032 -- -- F2 3C00 5500 5F00 6900
Left 4B00 4B34 7300 -- F3 3D00 5600 6000 6A00
Right 4D00 4D36 7400 -- F4 3E00 5700 6100 6B00
Home 4700 4737 7700 -- F5 3F00 5800 6200 6C00
End 4F00 4F31 7500 -- F6 4000 5900 6300 6D00
PgUp 4900 4939 8400 -- F7 4100 5A00 6400 6E00
PgDn 5100 5133 7600 -- F8 4200 5B00 6500 6F00
Ins 5200 5230 -- -- F9 4300 5C00 6600 7000
Del 5300 532E -- -- F10 4400 5D00 6700 7100
Esc 011B 011B 011B *0100 F11 *8500 *8700 *8900 *8B00
Tab 0F09 0F00 *9400 *A500 F12 *8600 *8800 *8A00 *8C00
BkSp 0E08 0E08 0E7F *0E00
Return 1C0D 1C0D 1C0A *1C00 Enter 1C0D 1C0D 1C0A --
Space 3920 3920 3920 3920
!! 3 ;universal + GUIDE
!! 0
Scan codes: special keys extended codes. Num Lock off. INT 16 AH = 10
Numeric Keypad Special Keypad
Plain Shift Ctrl Alt Plain Shift Ctrl Alt
Up 4800 4838 8D00 *-- 48E0 48E0 8DE0 9800
Down 5000 5032 9100 *-- 50E0 50E0 91E0 A000
Left 4B00 4B34 7300 *-- 4BE0 4BE0 73E0 9B00
Right 4D00 4D36 7400 *-- 4DE0 4DE0 74E0 9D00
Home 4700 4737 7700 *-- 47E0 47E0 77E0 9700
End 4F00 4F31 7500 *-- 4FE0 4FE0 75E0 9F00
PgUp 4900 4939 8400 *-- 49E0 49E0 84E0 9900
PgDn 5100 5133 7600 *-- 51E0 51E0 76E0 A100
Ins 5200 5230 9200 *-- 52E0 52E0 9200 A200
Del 5300 532E 9300 -- 53E0 53E0 93E0 A300
5 4C00 4C35 8F00 *-- * = compose
/ E02F E02F 9500 A400
* 372A 372A 9600 3700
- 4A2D 4A2D 8E00 4A00
+ 4E2B 4E2B 9000 4E00 Enter E00D E00D E00A A600
!! 3 ;universal + GUIDE
!! 0
Scan codes: digits, punctuation marks, etc.
NB! US keyboard. The high byte may differ if a national keyboard is active,
and the symbols may not be paired as in the table.
*: Not INT 16 AH = 00. +: See also previous page.
Plain Shift Ctrl Alt Plain Shift Ctrl Alt
` ~ 2960 297E -- *2900 [ { 1A5B 1A7B 1A1B *1A00
1 ! 0231 0221 -- 7800 ] } 1B5D 1B7D 1B1D *1B00
2 @ 0332 0340 0300 7900 ; : 273B 273A -- *2700
3 # 0433 0423 -- 7A00 ' " 2827 2822 -- *2800
4 $ 0534 0524 -- 7B00 \ | 2B5C 2B7C 2B1C *2B00
5 % 0635 0625 -- 7C00 \ | 565C 567C -- -- 102nd key
6 ^ 0736 075E 071E 7D00 , < 332C 333C -- *3300
7 & 0837 0826 -- 7E00 . > 342E 343E -- *3400
8 * 0938 092A -- 7F00 / ? 352F 353F -- *3500
9 ( 0A39 0A28 -- 8000 +/ 352F 352F -- -- numeric
0 ) 0B30 0B29 -- 8100 +* 372A 372A -- -- numeric
- _ 0C2D 0C5F 0C1F 8200 +- 4A2D 4A2D -- -- numeric
= + 0D3D 0D2B -- 8300 ++ 4E2B 4E2B -- -- numeric
!! 3 ;universal + GUIDE
!! 0
Scan codes: letters. Caps Lock off. (Caps Lock on: swap Plain/Shift columns)
NB! US keyboard. The high byte may differ if a national keyboard is active.
Plain Shift Ctrl Alt Plain Shift Ctrl Alt
a 1E61 1E41 1E01 1E00 n 316E 314E 310E 3100
b 3062 3042 3002 3000 o 186F 184F 180F 1800
c 2E63 2E43 2E03 2E00 p 1970 1950 1910 1900
d 2064 2044 2004 2000 q 1071 1051 1011 1000
e 1265 1245 1205 1200 r 1372 1352 1312 1300
f 2166 2146 2106 2100 s 1F73 1F53 1F13 1F00
g 2267 2247 2207 2200 t 1474 1454 1414 1400
h 2368 2348 2308 2300 u 1675 1655 1615 1600
i 1769 1749 1709 1700 v 2F76 2F56 2F16 2F00
j 246A 244A 240A 2400 w 1177 1157 1117 1100
k 256B 254B 250B 2500 x 2D78 2D58 2D18 2D00
l 266C 264C 260C 2600 y 1579 1559 1519 1500
m 326D 324D 320D 3200 z 2C7A 2C5A 2C1A 2C00
!TOPIC 12 Serial Port
!! 0x8000
!! 0
RS-232-C serial port (COM port) pin assignments.
*n = PC pin, n is pin number on the 9 pin AT connector.
= from PC or DTE; = to PC or DTE. DTE = Data Terminal Equipment.
1 FG Frame ground 14 TD2 Secondary TD
*3 2 TD Transmit Data 15 TC Transmission Signal Timing
*2 3 RD Receive Data 16 RD2 Secondary RD
*7 4 RTS Request To Send 17 RC Receiver Signal Timing
*8 5 CTS Clear To Send 18 (unassigned)
*6 6 DSR Data Set Ready 19 RS2 Secondary RTS
*5 7 SG Signal ground *4 20 DTR Data Terminal Ready
*1 8 DCD Data Carrier Detect 21 SQ Signal Quality Detector
9 (test) *9 22 RI Ring Indicator
10 (test) 23 DRS Data signal Rate Selector
11 (unassigned) 24 TT Transmit Signal Timing
12 CD2 Secondary DCD 25 (unassigned)
13 CT2 Secondary CTS
13Printer Port and 14Game Port pin assignments are also available.
!TOPIC 13 Printer Port
!! 0x8000
!! 0
Printer port (parallel port, LPT port) pin assignments.
25 pin PC printer port and 36 pin Centronic port.
=from PC; =to PC. Pins 1-9 are bidirectional on PS-2 models in ext. mode.
Data Gnd Data Gnd
1 1 ¬Strobe 19 19 10 10 ¬Acknowledge 24 28
2 2 Data Bit 0 20 20 11 11 Busy 24 29
3 3 " " 1 20 21 12 12 Paper End 25 30
4 4 " " 2 21 22 13 13 Select 18 16,33
5 5 " " 3 21 23 14 14 ¬Auto Feed xt 18 16,33
6 6 " " 4 22 24 32 15 ¬Error 18 16,33
7 7 " " 5 22 25 31 16 ¬Initialize 18 16,33
8 8 " " 6 23 26 36 17 ¬Select In 18 16,33
9 9 " " 7 23 27
12Serial Port and 14Game Port pin assignments are also available.
!TOPIC 14 Game Port
!! 0x8000
!! 0
Game port pin assignments. (15 pins in 2 rows)
1,8,9: +5 V
15: +5 V or Midi RXD
4,5: 0 V (ground)
12: 0 V or Midi TXD
2: Switch A-1 Switches are sensed active when shorted
3: X-position A to ground.
6: Y-position A
7: Switch A-2 Position sensors are variable resistors
10: Switch B-1 0 ohms - 250 kiloohms from the position
11: X-position B pins to +5 V.
13: Y-position B
14: Switch B-2
See also INT 15 function 84.
12Serial Port and 13Printer Port pin assignments are also available.